Investigating thermal transport in Metal-Organic Frameworks

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Lammps force field tests

Tests are performed using Lammps files in supplementary information of Smit and co-workers and using lammps_interface Python library to generate Lammps files from cif files.


Following charges are used in Smit and co-workers.

Atom Type HKUST-1 (ddec) HKUST-1 (qeq) IRMOF-1 (ddec) IRMOF-1 (qeq)
C_R 1: mix 3: mix 1: mix 4: mix
Cu4+2 2: 0.87890 2: 0.63081    
H_ 3: 0.13538 4: 0.17744 2: 0.12660 5: 0.16514
O_2 4: -0.53193 1: -0.47531 3: -0.53938 3: -0.46786
O_3_f     4: -1.03367 2: -0.23162
Zn3f2     5: 0.95676 1: 0.45797

3 different carbon types were defined for both HKUST-1 and IRMOF-1 and 2 oxygen types were defined for IRMOF-1 as follows. Here O1 refers to O_3_f and O2 refers to O_2 atom type in UFF4MOF. For carbon atoms same atom type (C_R) have been used, however, different charges were assigned.

The charges for different carbon atoms were defined as follows:

Atom Type HKUST-1 (ddec) HKUST-1 (qeq) IRMOF-1 (ddec) IRMOF-1 (qeq)
C1 0.61036 0.61648 0.57679 0.59404
C2 -0.09685 -0.13435 -0.10308 -0.14130
C3 -0.02448 -0.02435 -0.01064 0.02729